Company Profile

The Star Group was introduced in 1990 with Star Enterprises a vision to provide well engineered, high-quality products to the Indian market at an affordable price. Since then, there was no looking back and in 2006, Aerostar Enterprises Private Limited was born out of the continuous pursuit of perfection. Today, Aerostar is counted amongst the very few 'Make In India' success stories in the home appliance industry.

After conducting extensive market research and study of technologies, we bring forth another unit by the name of STAR SMITH EXPORT PRIVATE LIMITED with wide range of Home Appliances and an exclusive class of Electric water heaters. We are the manufacturer and exporter of ISI marked and 5-star rated ceramic glass coated Tanks, Elements, Storage Water Heaters from 6 to 100 liters & Instant Water Heater 3,5 Liter .

The water heaters are made according to the specifications required by the buyers. We have different kinds of models (round, square, vertical, horizontal (LHS/RHS/CP/Inlet-Outlet). Also, there are geysers that we can operate through a mobile app. We are having in house facilities for manufacturing all child parts of the tank, glass coating and geyser assembly. We believe in conducting business honestly and ethically and it's been that way since 1990.

We also believe in taking care of our customers, which is we enjoy an outstanding reputation for excellence in all the markets we serve. Our Company motto is "Technology enables progress and knowledge with every innovation"


Hitesh Goyal


Chairman of Star Group and MD of Star Smith Export Pvt Ltd . Under his leadership, Star Smith innovates Water Geysers, Ceiling Fans, and Irons, ensuring quality and efficiency.


Devesh Goyal

Managing Director

Managing Director of Star Smith Export Pvt Ltd .
Under his leadership, Star Smith Manufacturer and Exporter of Ceramic Glass Line Tanks, Water Heater (Geysers) , Ceiling Fans and All Electrical Home Appliances .